Maplestory Storage Slots

Maplestory Storage Slots 4,2/5 2257 votes

But the storage keepers only hold 4 items at a time. I know the cash shop has an item to increase your own inventory slots. But i dont have any NX, nor do i have the extra cash to go and buy an NX card (also, im only lv 47 with my highest character. So i dont know what inventory tabs my job instructor will increase, as i go on. Global MapleStory Best in Slot/Progression Guide. Guide in 'Training Guides' published by LittleLamb, Oct 8, 2018. Hello, this is LittleLamb bringing you a GMS BiS Table and Progression Guide for Normal Server. The basis of this guide is to see how boned you are in the grand scheme of things if you decide to be a whale, and how hopeless it is. Damage Skin Storage Slot Expansion (35 stamps, limit of 5000) 60% Additional Potential Scroll (6 Impact Meso Lucky Bags in Reboot) (30 stamps, limit of 10000) Strong Rebirth Flame (30 stamps, limit of 30000). Reboot Expanding Storage slots Reboot I just bought 10 times a Storage upgrade coupon of 4 extra slots from the lady in the general store in Henesys, but after using all 10.

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Storage NPCs (also known as banks/storages within Maplestory) are great places to store and transfer mesos and multiple items between characters. Banks are set-up per account, so all characters share the same storage.

When in the bank, any other character from the same account from the same world can access the items. Therefore, it is a convenient way of switching items amongst your characters. The drawback is that storage can only hold up to 4 items. However, there is no limit to the amount of mesos you wish to store. There is no fee for transferring Mesos into the bank, but there is a fee of 100 mesos for depositing items into the storage, 150 mesos if in El Nath, or 500 mesos at Free Market Entrance. The fee for withdrawal of items is 1000 mesos. In almost every town, there is a Storage NPC.

  • In MapleSEA, there is a Cash Shop item that adds more slots of Storage NPC. It costs 8,000 A-CASH and one adds 4 extra slots.
  • In Maple Global, there is also a cash shop item that adds 4 slots to your chosen tab and costs 4,000 Nexon Cash.
  • Maple Europe has a cash shop item that lets you add 4 extra slots to your storage for 4000 Nexon

Storage NPCs

  • Perion: Mr. Wang
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  • Ellinia: Mr. Park
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  • Henesys: Mr. Lee
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  • Lith Harbor: Mr. Kim
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  • Kerning City: Mr. Hong
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  • Sleepywood: Mr. Oh
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  • Nautilus Port: Dondlass/Dauntless
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  • Orbis: Trina
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  • El Nath: Mr. Mohammed
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  • Aquarium: Gerrard
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  • Ludibrium: Seppy
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  • Omega Sector: Kubo the Storageman
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  • Free Market Entrance: Scrooge
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  • Mu Lung: Mr. Pan
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  • Showa Town: Yuse
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  • Singapore: Mr. Hwang
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  • Leafre: Koscu
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Maplestory Storage Slots Games

  • Trend Zone Metropolis: Encik Musa
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  • Magatia: Rosen
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  • See also Category:NPCs - Storage
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Maplestory Storage Slots Game

Can't expand storage with 4 slot coupon

edited December 2016 in Bug Reporting
Bug type: 4 slot storage expansion coupon from previous months wont expand storage inventory
Brief bug summary: With the new storage limit of 128 slots I attempted to add 4 more slots with a coupon (from October or November of 2016, I believe) and it would not let me use the coupon.
More details: I had the max limit of 96 storage slots before the V update but I had saved some older storage slot coupons rather than throwing them away (some 8 and some 4 slot coupons) for when the update took place, so I could expand my storage to 128. These were coupons from October and November I believe, September at the earliest. I used an 8 slot coupon to expand my storage and went from 96 slots to 104 slots. When I attempted to use the 4 slot coupon the Maple Admin told me the max number of slots was 96. I went into my storage and I indeed had 8 more slots from the previous coupon. I clicked '+Add Slots' and it took me to the cash shop where I saw the max number was truly 128 slots. I left the cash shop and tried to use my 4 slot storage coupon again and it would still not let me, telling me the max number of slots is 96, ,even though I already have 104.
Edit: All of these coupons were obtained in game from attendance events or sudden missions, they were not bought in the cash shop.
Steps to reproduce: Click on 4 slot storage expansion coupon that was in my inventory.
Character name: nairmallow
Character level: 201
Character job: Battle mage
World name: Renegades (GRAZED)
Date and time of the incident: 1:35 PM Dec 11, 2016 (EST)

Maplestory Max Storage Slots


Maplestory Storage Slots Box

  • My 4 slots storage coupon doesn't work. Please help, Nexon! Thanks!
    Bug type: Can't expand my Storage slot

    Brief bug summary:
    I tried to use my 4 slots Storage coupon to expand more slots on my storage. But it
    More details: I can't use 4 slots storage coupon i got from an event . I forgot which event. But I couldn't use it at that time because my storage has reached the limit (96 slots). So I keep it until today when you guys extend the inventories slots to 128. I got some others 4 slots coupon too. But all worked fine, only the storage which doesn't work.
    Steps to reproduce: I logged on to one of my characters after being unblocked and I remember that our inventories is 128 slots now instead of 96. So I clicked e slots coupon I got from an even. All worked fine..but only the Storage doesn't work
    (if not covered in the summary)
    Character name: RavenMiel
    Character level: 217
    Character job: Battle Mage
    World name: Scania
    Date and time of the incident: December 3rd , around 08:30 am PST.
  • Reactions: 3,205
    Volunteer Forum Moderator
    I've personally experienced this, myself, and have forwarded the issue. Thank you for the Bug Report thread!