Gambling Bengali Translate

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Rain and Wind

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Buddhadeva Bose

Rain and wind, rain and wind, day and night.
The day gray, sterile, dark. Lightless,
shadowless. Only the rainy haze, the cloudy half-light and
the whine of trams, the grumble of traffic.

Suppressed weeping in the sky, sighing in the winds.
A long, long day, how far away the night?
Weary hours, languid moments; the shackles of time jangle
endless, tireless.

Night; bleakness in the room, darkness without,
the rain and the wind, the rain and the wind.
Empty, empty is my heart, barren, barren is the night,
but for the angry moaning of a sleepless city.

Bleakness in my heart, howling in the city, darkness in the sky.
Shadows, winds, voices, murmurs, angry whispers, deep sighs
in the city, in the empty room, in the rain-laden darkness, in the jangling of time's shackles,
all night, all day.

The day is bleak, silent like a bog. The night too is dumb;
nothing remains. Nothing, nothing.
The rain's murky veil, the wind and the city's wailing
mask creation. Nothing remains. I am alone. Alone.

Like a blind fly, trapped in the giant wheel of time;
my window to the world shut; dark, stifling,
the day like a rotting bog; the night like the bottom of an ancient, forgotten
well; and loneliness, never-ending.

Crowds on the streets, bustling, fervent. Work play all pursuits
in offices, parks and cafes; the gambling, gins, siestas at the end of a long, back-breaking week--
all hushed, uneasy, the city insensible. Rain,
rain. Shadows jostle on the streets, a procession of inskeletal phantoms as in nightmares.

Bodyless skeletonless Calcutta, filled with shadows; like dreams,
autocratic, irresponsible. I too am a shadow, quivering on the wall
behind the curtain at the touch of the wind; in my heart sway
rain and wind, rain and wind, night and day.

Gambling Bengali TranslateText
The original poem [bR^ishhTi aar jha.D* by buddhadeb basu*] appeared in the collection of poems natun paataa*, first published in 1940. This poem was written, however, in 1935.

Translated by Nandini Gupta [nandinI gupta*]Nandini Gupta is a post-doctoral reserach fellow at the Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands, working on ... (more)

* To learn more about the ITRANS script for Bengali, click here.

©Parabaas 2011

When Gambling Becomes More than a Game

Legalized gambling is growing rapidly in our region. For most, it’s just for fun. For others, it becomes an addiction. Amplify is committed to raising awareness about gambling addiction and linking residents with resources that can help them break the cycle.

Amplify provides leadership for a team of consumers and professionals to raise awareness about problem gambling and connect them with resources that can help. With funding from the Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services Problem Gambling Unit, Amplify Ambassadors lead training workshops for organizations, tailored to meet their unique needs, including:

• The Congregation/Community Assistance (CAP) Program, which is specifically designed for faith communities and civic groups.

• The Asian American Pacific Islander Ambassadors (AAPIA) Program, where Asian Ambassadors hold community conversations designed specifically for Asian Americans and for other minority groups.

• The PAWs Program, in which teens are helping each other notice the warning signs of gambling and learn that it isn’t just a risk-free game.

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